Subtitle: History, Methodology, and Myth (2007), 127 pages, $14.95 + s. & h.


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Chapter 1 traces the fascinating development of the Historicist School of Prophetic Interpretation. Through the centuries God led earnest Bible students, including the great Reformers, and their heirs, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which for 150 years has embraced this method of prophetic interpretation. Chapter 2 provides Seven Keys for correctly Unlocking the Mysteries of Revelation. Further chapters show some devastating results of wresting the true meaning of prophecy. For instance, rapacious whites used false typology to horribly exploit people of color, whom they considered cursed Canaanites. This booklet should delight all college students and new believers. A Jewish Adventist in South Africa called it “A masterpiece. The Reader’s Digest of Prophecy.”