Ria's Corner

edwdekock@hotmail.com                                12916 Los Terrazos Boulevard

Website: propheticum.com                                              Edinburg, TX 78541


December 21, 2018


Our most precious family, wonderful book friends, and “blessed givers”, as Juanita Kretschmar calls her donors to her radio ministry whnj.org, down at the tip of Florida. Some days after I began this draft she also fell and broke her hip! Please pray for her ministry and speedy recovery without the complications I have been through.


This year has slipped through our fingers like precious quicksilver: birthdays, Thanksgiving, a week in hospital, three in rehab., where my precious husband and Shelley, Carl’s wife, brought me useful items and vegetarian food, trying to improve my diet there. For more than two months angels from the home-health, Step by Step, helped me regain my mobility. I have not exactly bounced back, but am improving: I am able to climb the steps into our mobile home, and carefully move around the house and garden with a walker. And I keep on singing aloud, especially in the shower, praising God! Thanks so much for your loving enquiries and prayers, emails, cards, visits and masses of flowers. Mission Hope church kept us provided with cooked food for months on end. Friends from all the area churches came to help in the house and garden. Sometimes we had such fun times, especially the day we tried to rid the house of the resident spiders by blowing hot air on them. The hose was plugged into the wrong side of our shopvac vacuum cleaner! We are extremely grateful to all, and know God will repay each one for kindness to us and our ministry.     


We wish you heaven’s choicest blessings for Christmas and the New Year, with protection and good or better health. Please pray for the churches in China which are being smashed, but their philosophy is: more persecution, more growth! Let us prepare for our turn. For Christmas I do not ask “for my two front teeth”, but for somebody willing to paste into our WEBSITE our latest Prophetic Bulletin, etc. Also please say a special prayer for Michael, our so willing recent webmaster, who is now devoured by the pain and disability of Parkinson’s. He has a very beautiful and useful website BIBLELIGHT.NET.


Here is a very special request: Please help us celebrate our 64th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, December 26. Pastor Regalado and our church family in Edinburg, Wisconsin Road, are preparing for its celebration tomorrow, December 22, during Senior Ministry Potluck after the divine service there. We hope to do the same, if possible, at Mission Hope on December 29. For some this second date may be more convenient. All our friends in the Valley are cordially invited! We look forward so very much to seeing you there, precious friend. And for those on the four corners of the earth: please drop us a line!


So much has happened to our ministry and God’s work elsewhere recently which I longed to share with you, but this unfortunately will have to be all for now, but I plan to get back to you ASAP in 2019. Please let us hear from you. If anybody is receiving this in error and would like to be removed, please just return this with REMOVE in the subject line.


With fondest love from your forever friends in the blessed hope, Ria (and Edwin)



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Ria's Corner, 21 December 18.pdf
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