While all five (5) of the English-language Bible prophecy and history books by Edwin de Kock are available, they will only be sold in complete sets for $50 including shipping and handling and taxes in the United States only. Overseas orders are welcome and will be priced per destination.
One Package Price for EDWIN de KOCK's Five Books on Bible Prophecy |
The Truth About 666 and the Story of the Great Apostasy |
Volume 1 (with complete CD-ROM) |
314 |
Pages |
Volume 2 |
203 |
Pages |
Volume 3 |
362 |
Pages |
879 |
Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History (2013) |
423 |
Pages |
Seven Heads and Ten Horns in Daniel and the Revelation |
207 |
Pages |
The USE and ABUSE of Prophecy |
128 |
Pages |
A More Sure Word of Prophecy |
68 |
Pages |
Grand Total Number of Pages in Edwin de Kock's Five (5) English-language Books on Bible Prophecy: |
1705 |
$50.00 (including Shipping and Handling and Taxes) divided into 1705 Pages equals 34.1 Pages per Dollar!
To order please email contact@propheticum.info
for one or more complete sets.