Bulletin of Prophetic Historicism


21 October 2013                                                                        Editor and Proprietor

                                                                                                   Edwin de Kock

Bulletin # 10


The editor/proprietor assumes responsibility for his own contributions. He is not, however, responsible or liable for the ideas expressed in pieces by other writers, also sometimes mentioned or cited.


                                  It Took Our Breath Away


     Things are moving so rapidly on the escalator of events that we can hardly lift our feet fast enough to keep pace with what is happening. That is why we could not even find the time to write to you sooner.

     On 1 October, we were still wondering how we could finance the reprinting of The Truth About 666 and the Story of the Great Apostasy. There was also the question as to whether we should try for 1,000 or 2,000 copies. We pondered and prayed—and suddenly found that the Lord had anticipated and in a most unexpected way already solved these problems. As Martin Luther wrote to his friend Spalatin in November 1534, “God usually does what is least expected.”

     Just three days after sending out Bulletin # 9 (which provides the background for this one), a dear friend called with astounding news. It was so unbelievable that he had to drive to our home and tell us again in person.

     The Lord had impressed him to pay for almost the entire edition: 2,000 copies (Volumes 1-3). He said: “I cannot think of a worthier cause!” What makes this even more amazing is that he is not a member of our church. Most of the remainder to finance the printing was generated by another friend, a Seventh-day Adventist, who bought 100 copies of my new Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History at 60 percent discount.

     And then a third friend raised another possibility: “Why not print 3,000 copies?” The economy of scale would make that even more attractive. Yes, but where would that money come from and how could we market an extra 1,000? Oh, he was prepared to pay for more than half of the difference between 2,000 and 3,000, as well as the cost of shipping the 1,000 to his home. He would also sell them as he visited churches throughout the United States and elsewhere, if I could let him have them at a special price. I agreed to waive most of the profit on this third of the books. This brother is an excellent colporteur and just the man to help with spreading a work which I have always maintained belongs not to me but to the Lord and needs as wide a distribution as possible.

     For this transaction, too, we admittedly do not yet have all the funds needed to supplement what he will be paying. But we are confident that the Lord will provide for it and a further $1,000 or so for shipping The Truth About 666 from the printer to various points of sale in the U.S.A.

     By the time you read this Bulletin, the manuscripts for Volumes 1, 2, and 3 are all with the printers. The first proofs should reach us within days. We are hoping that the whole edition will be ready in time for Christmas and the rest of the holiday season.

     They will be held together with shrink wrapping and usually sell as a set of three for only $40.00, plus $5.00 shipping and handling in the United States.


                                          The Other Books


     Today the main shipment of Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History (2013) arrived, and the boxes containing the books were carried into our home. Soon a minister friend is due to come and dedicate them to the work that they are destined to do. Other batches are available elsewhere in the United States. Please pray for their safety and for us, together with those who help us sell these books. Because they further the work of the remnant Church as described in the Bible’s end-time prophecies, the Evil One and those that are with him would like to destroy them and everybody connected with them. But the angels of One who is mightier than he will prevail.

     Also kindly help to raise the rest of the funds still needed to reprint and transport The Truth About 666. A good way of doing so is to order Christ and Antichrist, not only for yourself but also for relatives and friends, who may find this a very special gift.

     For larger quantities, we have special discounts. For 10-21 copies it is 40%, for 22-109 it is 50%, and for 110 or more it is 60%. You may also at this time like to place a Christmas combination order of this work plus my other books. Here is an example:


         Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History (2013)                                      19.95

         The Use and Abuse of Prophecy: History, Methodology, and Myth (2007)         14.95

         Seven Heads and Ten Horns in Daniel and the Revelation (2012)                    20.00


     Normally the single-copy price in the United States will total $54.90, plus shipping and handling. But at this time we offer that combination for only $50, plus shipping and handling.

     Another important matter is that Patterson Printing will try to make The Truth About 666 available in time for Christmas, when about 40 percent of sales occur, so please pray that all will go well and smoothly with every step required to complete this project. And as you do so may the Lord bless you richly in your personal lives.


                                     A Spanish Translation


     Also please petition the Lord to provide somebody as well as the funds to translate Christ and Antichrist into Spanish, that other great language of our hemisphere. This is where most Sabbathkeepers of the two Americas live, in predominantly Catholic countries. As far back as 22 January 2002, Dr. Hector E. Ramal, Director of the Adventist Theological Faculty at Montemorelos University, Mexico, suggested that this should be done. This is what he wrote in Spanish:

     “Thank you for your Christ and An­tichrist in Prophecy and History, which I have greatly enjoyed. It will, I am sure, be very valuable for our church as well as many other churches wanting to know about this theme, which is of such vital im­portance for the final decision. I espe­­cially want to congratulate you on the plea­sant lan­guage you have used, considering it very im­­por­tant for the reader to enjoy this kind of eschatological reading. Also impressive is the immense quantity of references that cla­rify the theme and give authority to your writing. Without doubt, I recommend the translation of this work into Spanish, so that others can benefit by it.”

     It was then and still remains an excellent idea.